Kalanchoe Luciae

Kalanchoe Luciae - succulent plants of the Fat family. There are more than 200 species in nature. The natural habitat for this plant is the tropics and subtropics. For example, it can be found in Africa, New Guinea, Asia, Australia, and Madagascar. In Russia, the plant appeared a very long time ago, it is grown as an ornamental-flowering and medicinal one. Among Kalanchoe Luciae, there are herbaceous plants (perennials), succulents and shrubs.

The leaves of almost all species of this plant are thick and fleshy, and the stems are both creeping and erect. The height that an adult plant can reach is different for each species. So, there are representatives that can grow up to one and a half meters in height, and there are those whose size does not exceed 20 centimeters. Their flowering is quite long and abundant. Their multi-flowered umbrella-shaped inflorescences are of different colors, for example, white, red, yellow or light pink.

Plant history and homeland

The decorative Kalanchoe Luciae has more than a hundred species, one of which, bryophyllum, is both decorative and medicinal at the same time. It is with him that the history of appearance in Europe and Russia is connected.

The island of Madagascar is home to many interesting plants, including the Kalanchoe Luciae. In addition to Madagascar, it is found in some Asian countries located in the tropics.

Ornamental varieties also grow in tropical Africa. There are herbaceous plants in South and Central America. Kalanchoe Luciae was used by the priests of African tribes for rituals, because they considered this plant a symbol of strength.

Kalanchoe Luciae leaf powder was smoked during drought to induce rain. A drink was prepared from the stem and leaves, they were given to seriously ill patients. Kalanchoe Luciae leaves were part of the diet of many tribes.

The first mentions by Europeans date back to the 18th century. In the surviving ship log of that time, a record was found about the recovery of a Russian merchant who fell ill with a tropical fever on the ship, from which Europeans almost always died. He was removed from the ship and left on the island in the care of local residents. When the ship was on its way back, the merchant boarded it safe and sound. He constantly chewed some thick-skinned leaves, which he called "kalah", which means "health". Kalanchoe Luciae appeared in Europe only at the beginning of the 19th century. The plant surprised many of its qualities, although at that time they were just beginning to guess about its medicinal properties.

This plant is very unpretentious and very easy to care for. It also very quickly gets used to room conditions. And if you consider that it grows quickly and multiplies easily, then you can understand why Kalanchoe Luciae has gained such popularity among gardeners. 

Kalanchoe Luciae has many popular names: tree of life, room doctor, room ginseng, they say about him "surgeon without a knife." Its great advantage is that it is completely safe. When it comes to choosing flowers for a child, in a nursery, Kalanchoe Luciae fits perfectly.

Kalanchoe Luciae is a branching succulent plant, reaching 60 cm in height, 20 cm wide. Forms a rosette with a thick stem and short internodes, large lobed, rounded, fleshy leaves. It usually creates some secondary branching at the base. Each stem is monocarpic. The main stem survives for many months as the flowering stem matures and then dies. A mature plant, after three to four seasons, begins to bloom at the end of winter with a flower at the base of the leaves, and then dies. The inflorescence is thin, cylindrical, the flowers are tubular, white or pale greenish yellow, small and fragrant. Each plant produces only one flower in its entire life.

Plant characteristic

Kalanchoe Luciae are succulents that are very diverse in appearance. Kalanchoe Luciae belongs to the fatty family. Among them are shrubs, vines and even epiphytes.


The plant has a stem, it grows from 40 cm and is painted in a pale green color. There are species of Kalanchoe Luciae, reaching up to 1 meter in nature. The plant is most often in the form of a bush. 


The leaves are juicy green, sometimes along the very edge they have a red narrow border. The shape of the leaves is ovoid. The structure is dense. The ends of tightly adjacent leaves look up, giving the plant, which has a stem, the appearance of a rosette. 


The flowers are collected in large apical inflorescences that look like an umbrella and form a bright cap of the most varied colors. There are species whose flowers resemble bells in shape. In some varieties, they grow together into a large tube. Now breeders have bred a large number of plants with double inflorescences and decorative dwarf varieties.


Kalanchoe Luciae is not a blooming description . These are herbaceous perennial plants with a stem that grows up to 1 meter. On a succulent erect naked stem are leathery, fleshy, oblong-ovoid leaves of a dark green color. Some species develop new plants almost constantly at the edge. Falling off, the small plant easily takes root, because already on the mother plant it has tiny roots. Although such Kalanchoe Luciae are considered non-flowering, some species from time to time bloom with nondescript paniculate inflorescences.


The indoor flowering plant has been grown for a long time. Many types of plants are suitable for this. The most common are the Kalanchoe Luciae Blossfeld and Degremona. With proper care, Kalanchoe Luciae blooms all year round. Housekeeping is not difficult, the main thing is to always keep the earthen lump slightly damp, prevent the temperature from dropping below 10 degrees, feed it with fertilizer for flowering plants in a timely manner, remove faded flower stalks. In addition, the plant reproduces easily in all possible ways.

How to care?

It has unique large, thick, spatulate, rounded, wider than long gray-green leaves with a reddish blush around the edges. Younger leaves and stems have a white, cloudy coating that protects from the harsh sun. Young leaves grow vertically and parallel to each other, while old leaves at the base of the plant begin to unfold. In the sun, they acquire a bright red hue, further enhanced by the autumn cold. Sometimes the leaves turn completely burgundy red. In the shade, they remain uniformly green. This plant can be grown in the shade, where the leaves lose most of their color, but retain their interesting shape and texture, but the internodes of the stem are greatly elongated. Drought-resistant, frost-resistant.

Almost all Kalanchoe Luciae species can be grown over a wide temperature range. In summer - within 18-28 ° C, in winter - at least 10-12 ° C, best of all - at 16-18 ° C. At high temperatures in autumn and winter, flower buds are not laid. In spring and summer, Kalanchoe Luciae is watered moderately, if the plant is kept in the sun, then watered abundantly, as the upper layer of the substrate dries, in winter - much less often with soft, settled water, but they do not stop watering completely, since when the plants dry out, they greatly lose leaves. Water can not be poured from the top, but into the sump. Thanks to the fleshy leaves covered with a waxy coating or numerous hairs, all Kalanchoe Luciae plants tolerate the arid air of city apartments well. Air humidity does not play a significant role for the plant. Kalanchoe Luciae does not require spraying,

In the summer, mineral fertilizers are applied weekly and organic fertilizers once every 2 weeks. In the fall, when laying the buds, feeding can be repeated. You can feed with fertilizer for cacti. The transplant is carried out as needed (overgrown plants). The soil for replanting is neutral or slightly acidic (pH 5.5-6.5). Plants grow well in the usual mixture for succulents, with the exception of epiphytic species, for which, for abundant flowering, it is advisable to add humus earth and apply fertilizer. Young plants are transplanted into a mixture of 4 parts of turf, 2 parts of deciduous land, 1 part of rotted peat and sand. Instead of peat, you can take coniferous soil.


Seeds are sown over light soil and pressed slightly. They are moistened from a spray bottle, covered with a film and germinated in the light at a temperature of 18-22° C. Seedlings need ventilation. It is necessary to avoid waterlogging and drying out of crops.

Life span

Kalanchoe Luciae lives for a long time both outdoors and indoors. There are cases when Kalanchoe Luciae grew in a room for about 20 years, constantly being pruned. Any kind absorbs radiation from household appliances, purifies the air. The plant has a beneficial effect on the elderly and children, on those who are recovering from a serious illness. It helps people with a weak character to cope with problems, feeding them with energy. And the strong people are assisted in the disclosure of talents and internal reserves.


Kalanchoe Luciae is loved by everyone: ladies in adulthood who love to be treated with folk methods, and young mothers who do not want to stuff a child with chemistry, and young people who give their girlfriend a flower in a pot. And such popularity is justified: Kalanchoe Luciae both heals, and pleases the eye. No wonder, the people call it differently: "home doctor", "tree of life", "indoor ginseng", "deer horns", "sneezer", "rabbit ears".


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