Kalanchoe Manginii

Novice flower growers who want to create a real blooming greenhouse in their home should pay attention to the wondrous plant belonging to the crassulaceae family - Kalanchoe Manginii. Today, up to two hundred species of succulent plants grow in the wild, capable of storing water in their deciduous mass and branched stems.

The homeland of the Kalanchoe Manginii is considered the tropical regions of Africa, Australia, South America and Madagascar. Due to the wide variety of appearance, size, shape and color of leaves, stems and flowers, the Kalanchoe Manginii plant gained its popularity several decades ago, as it provided irreplaceable assistance in the treatment of various ailments. A flower can play the role of not only a natural healer, but also serve as a wonderful decoration for a room. The falling green stems of the plant, decorated with flowering bells, growing in hanging pots or baskets look great - this is the well-known Kalanchoe Manginii.

External Features of Kalanchoe Manginii

Blooming Kalanchoe Manginii Mangina resembles a multi-colored ball. Many branched stems, up to 40 centimeters long, cover oval, fleshy, juicy, dark green leaves. Loose flower clusters emerge from the deciduous mass, crowned with bell buds of pink, orange or yellow hues. Up to 15 small buds can bloom on one flowering bunch, which is why the overall impression of a flowering plant is impressive.

How To Care?

Kalanchoe Manginii is a tropical plant and requires the creation and observance of the necessary conditions for growth and flowering. First of all, it should be noted that for high-quality development, the growth of young shoots and green deciduous mass, the plant must be transplanted once a year, not more often. Also, in addition to this, you should adhere to the basic recommendations for care, then success is guaranteed.

The Soil 

There is no ready-made mixture marked "For Kalanchoe Manginii", so the easiest way is to purchase a ready-made soil mixture for growing succulents or cacti in a specialized flower shop, but for a greater effect, a baking powder - sand or perlite, will not be superfluous during plant transplantation or reproduction. Or you can prepare the soil substrate yourself. The main thing is that the mixture is loose and breathable. For this, the presence of coarse sand or perlite in the composition of the nutrient soil is simply necessary. So: you need to mix one part of the garden soil and humus, loosen with two parts of coarse sand or perlite, and, given that the plant grows in the tropics, add a part of the coconut substrate to the mixture.The presence of pieces of charcoal in the soil will not be superfluous. The resulting mixture is mixed well and filled into containers with an already laid drainage layer of expanded clay gravel. This is how the container for growing this plant should be filled.


A purchased seedling in a store grows in a small pot, intended solely for sale, and not for constant growth, therefore, the plant needs much more space for further development and flowering. Usually, all purchased flowers are transplanted into flowerpots to a permanent place of growth, Kalanchoe Manginii is no exception. It is not worth choosing a large pot for the Kalanchoe Manginii, because with annual transplanting, you can simply replace the containers, increasing their size. When choosing flowerpots, you should pay attention to clay specimens, they are most suitable for a successful growing season.


Although Kalanchoe Manginii is a tropical plant, the strong sun can burn the leaves, therefore, on the windows of the east and west sides, the flower will grow successfully and comfortably. There is almost no strong sun, but there is a lot of light. It is still necessary to install shading on the windowsills of the southern windows. The plant needs additional highlighting exclusively in the winter period. With a lack of light, the flower develops poorly, young shoots do not appear, leaves do not grow, but, on the contrary, crumble, exposing the stems. The flowering of such a plant may not come at all.


Room temperature at 20-25 degrees Celsius in spring and summer is quite acceptable for Kalanchoe Manginii. At higher temperatures, flowerpots are taken out onto the balcony and displayed in hanging baskets or pots. In winter, when the dormant period begins, the Kalanchoe Manginii requires a temperature of 10-15 degrees Celsius, so the flowerpots are placed on glazed and insulated balconies. During the flowering period, which begins in early spring, the plant needs a daily temperature drop of 6-8 degrees Celsius. It is then that the formation of bunches and the active laying of flower buds occurs.

Air Humidity

Kalanchoe Manginii grows well and develops in a room with high humidity of air masses, but it also tolerates dry air almost without loss, so in the hot season it is possible to place a container with liquid near a flowerpot with a flower, increasing the humidity. In winter, such procedures are not appropriate.


The Kalanchoe Manginii plant tolerates drought very persistently and quickly dies at the slightest waterlogging. Semi-dry content in autumn and winter is recommended for any type of Kalanchoe Manginii is no exception. Watering during flowering is carried out three times a month. The need for moisture is indicated by drooping and slightly discolored leaf plates. After the earthen coma has dried, the soil in the flowerpot is watered with warm and settled water, sometimes with the addition of mineral fertilizer.


When observing a flower, you can always understand when the plant lacks additional nutrition. Yellowed or fallen leaves, drooping shoots are a signal of a possible lack of nutrients in the soil. Liquid fertilizer for succulents purchased from a flower shop will make up for the lack of nutrients. Add the prepared nutrient mixture to the irrigation water according to the manufacturer's instructions. If new stems have sprouted from the axils of the leaves on the shoot of the earthen coma, and the plant in appearance has become more like a falling bright green waterfall , it means that top dressing was necessary and timely, for which the flower thanks its violent growth. Top dressing in winter is excluded. With the onset of spring, nitrogen fertilization can be added to watering, which will help the flower to give more shoots and develop powerful foliage and further flowering.

Features of The Flowering Period and Plant Care After Its Completion

A healthy plant blooms violently in March and continues until the end of spring. By creating artificial humidity indoors, the flowering period can be slightly extended. To do this, pallets filled with expanded clay gravel and ordinary water are placed near the flowering flowerpot. When water evaporates, the humidity of the air rises, and the plant does not shed blooming buds longer. But spraying the cascading stems and flowering bunches can harm the Kalanchoe Manginii. Blooming buds will lose their brightness, the leaves will fade.

Then the plant is transplanted, the crown is formed, cut and propagated. During the flowering period, the Kalanchoe Manginii should not be disturbed, otherwise all the buds may completely fall off in a short period. In late autumn, the Kalanchoe Manginii enters a state of rest and any reproduction procedures are contraindicated. The plant rests in a dark place with almost complete reduction of watering.

Bush Formation Rules

A properly formed Kalanchoe Manginii bush is a guarantee of high-quality growth of young shoots, succulent foliage, violent and long flowering in the coming season. A bush is formed by cutting off the stems and pinching the tops. After flowering, the old shoots with peduncles remaining after flowering of the bunch are completely removed on the plant, young stems are shortened by 10-15 centimeters. In summer, the tops on the cut stems are pinched again, which contributes to greater bushiness of the branches, the growth of deciduous mass and the laying of buds of future flowering. Pinch the shoots on top of the stem over the extreme pair of leaves.

Plant Rejuvenation is a Wise Decision

It would seem, why propagate a flower, let it grow in one pot and always bloom periodically. But, over time, a maturing plant loses its exotic appearance, the stems become thinner and elongated, become bare near the ground, change color and become stiff. The once beautiful plant becomes wretched and pale, there is little or no flowering, the green waterfall of leaves does not attract attention. In such cases, the rejuvenation of the flower is carried out by the reproduction method of the mother plant.

The Main Methods and Secrets of Reproduction of Kalanchoe Manginii

The plant is propagated in several ways:


After the end of flowering, a strong and healthy shoot with beautiful and unaltered leaves, about 10 centimeters long with two or three pairs of leaves, is chosen on the plant, cut off, placed in a glass of water or a container with wet sand and peat mixture. It is not worth deepening the cutting into the soil mixture; it is enough to immerse it so that a couple of the lower leaves are on the soil. So the cuttings are left until the roots germinate for two to three weeks. If the growth of leaves resumed on the cut cuttings, it means that the roots of the plant have already formed. Such a seedling is ready for transplanting to a permanent place of growth.

Rooting of Leaves

Reproduction by leaves is carried out in the same way as by cuttings, but to build up roots, take the largest leaf from the plant you like. The method is recommended in the case when there are practically no leaves on a young plant, and it is impossible to cut the cutting. The method is not bad, but unproductive.

Reproduction by Seeds 

Seed propagation is used extremely rarely and only by breeders. Indeed, with seed propagation, not all plants retain hereditary characteristics, and from a Kalanchoe Manginii seed with red buds, you can get a flower with a yellow inflorescence, and the development of new varieties is a matter of professionals.

Typical Growing Problems, Causes, Elimination

When growing Kalanchoe Manginii, an urban inhabitant will certainly face frequent problems that require immediate solutions.

Pulling Stems and Yellow Foliage

A similar state of the plant occurs when there is a lack of lighting. Move the flowerpot to a lighter window sill or illuminate the plant with fluorescent lamps, and everything will definitely return to normal.

Soft Spotting 

If we exclude the defeat of the plant by spores of a fungal disease, then soft spotting can occur with increased air humidity. Ventilate the room, then, perhaps, the problem will be solved by itself.

Foliage Dieback 

Leaves may turn yellow and die off if the room temperature is too high, especially during the cold season, when the flower is at rest. Remember, extra heat is not beneficial to the plant.

Pest Attack

Indoor plants, as well as flowers grown outdoors, can be attacked by insect pests. Periodically inspect your "favorites" and, if necessary, spray with pesticides designed to combat the scale insect, spider mite, mealybug or aphids.

Root Decay

Over-watering a drought-resistant plant will inevitably destroy the once fragrant flower. Avoid overflow and stagnation of water at the roots of the Kalanchoe Manginii. Do not forget about the drainage system during transplanting.

Lignified Stems For Rejuvenation

This is the first sign that the plant is old and needs rejuvenation. Propagate your favorite flower by carefully separating the apical stalk, germinate it, plant it in a flowerpot and your home will again be decorated with the exotic and beautiful Kalanchoe Manginii plant.


Kalanchoe Manginii is an amazingly beautiful plant that can bring joy and tenderness to every home, since it really has excellent external data and does not need excessive care. Fulfilling uncomplicated conditions for comfortable growth, you can enjoy the beauty of the Kalanchoe Manginii bloom for a long time.


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