Kalanchoe Pinnata

Talking about home green doctors, it is impossible to ignore such a wonderful houseplant as Kalanchoe Pinnata. This home flower has long settled on the windowsills of city apartments. Kalanchoe Pinnata is often grown as an ornamental plant, unaware of its healing properties. Of the more than 200 species of the genus Kalanchoe Pinnata (Kalanchoe Pinnata) we will only talk about the Kalanchoe Pinnata peristome (lat. Kalanchoe Pinnata pinnata ), which has the most pronounced medicinal value and at the same time provides excellent decorative qualities. Under natural conditions (Kalanchoe Pinnata is a native of Southeast Asia and South America), this plant reaches up to 1.5 m in height.

At home, due to limited space, the bush is small, compact with an erect fleshy, woody stem in the lower part and large elliptical or ovoid lower leaves, corrugated along the edge. The upper leaves are folded, pinnately dissected, with several small oval leaves. Usually the leaves are dark green, but in some forms they can be yellowish or with a red tint.

On the upper leaves, in the depressions, the so-called babies (brood buds) with aerial roots are formed. When the leaf falls, young plants develop from them. If the fallen leaf lies on the soil with its underside, then the children quickly take root and begin to vegetate. Flowers of Kalanchoe Pinnata are large, tubular, greenish-pink in color, located on the tops of the stems in panicles. The fruit consists of four polysperms with leathery dry pericarp, called leaflets. It does not bloom regularly, not earlier than in the second year of life in February-March.

Cultivation of Kalanchoe Pinnata and care

Kalanchoe Pinnata is propagated by seeds or vegetatively by brood buds. Sowing seeds is carried out from February to April. Take ready-made soil for cacti or for other succulents with the addition of sand. The seeds are spread on moist soil and sprinkled with sand. Before emergence, the soil is covered with a film. The optimum temperature for seed germination is 20-22 ° C.

After germination, some growers first pick seedlings in the phase of 1-2 true leaves into small pots, and then, when 5-6 leaves grow, transplant the plants into pots with a diameter of 4-5 cm.This injures the shoots, so it is better to transplant once. Plants planted in a permanent place are left in a dark place for a week in order to activate the process of root formation. Then they are exposed on a sunny windowsill. As the plants grow and the root system develops, the plants are transplanted into larger pots, usually in April-May annually.

If you grow Kalanchoe Pinnata in small quantities (for yourself), then the best way to reproduce it is vegetative. To do this, it is enough to lay a leaf of the plant on the soil with its bottom side up and sprinkle it with sand at the edges with a layer of 1.5-2 cm. Seal the powder with a spatula and moisten it with a sprayer. Thus, you can get 5-7 young plants. When the sprouts reach 10-15 cm in height or with the development of at least 5 true leaves on each, they are transplanted into individual pots.

The soil for Kalanchoe Pinnata consists of a mixture of leafy earth, humus and river sand in a ratio of 1:1:1. You can use a ready-made potting mix for succulent flowers. In any of the soil mixtures for Kalanchoe Pinnata, it is useful to add a little crushed birch charcoal and brick chips. These additives adsorb water well and retain it for a long time, maintaining a moderate soil moisture throughout the cut.

Of course, drainage from expanded clay, gravel, pebbles, etc. is first laid on the bottom of the pot. There must be a hole in the bottom of the pot to drain excess moisture during watering. The pot should have short legs to provide a gap between the bottom and the tray. These conditions are required, since the Kalanchoe Pinnata does not tolerate stagnant water.

Kalanchoe Pinnata is not afraid of direct sunlight and in this sense, there are no restrictions on its placement on the windowsill. Although this plant is a typical succulent, it needs regular watering in indoor conditions, especially in the spring and summer. In winter, watering is carried out in moderation, otherwise, there is a high probability of root rot. The signal for watering is the complete drying out of the soil clod in the pot.

Kalanchoe Pinnata is not a demanding plant, therefore, caring for it is not difficult. In addition to watering, periodical careful loosening of the soil is carried out, feeding once a month with complex mineral fertilizers with a predominance of nitrogen or liquid fertilizers for cacti. Being a heat-loving plant, Kalanchoe Pinnata can get sick or die when the temperature drops below 10 ° C. The optimum temperature for growing is: in winter 16 ° C-18 ° C, in summer from 18 ° C to 22 ° C without sudden changes. However, the Kalanchoe Pinnata easily tolerates heat up to 30 ° C and higher, as well as the overdried air of city apartments.

Plants are transplanted into larger pots only after the root system has developed so much that it has filled the entire volume of the pot. The plant is watered abundantly before transplanting, excess water is allowed to drain, the pot is turned over, holding the plant and gently tapping on the bottom, removed with a lump of earth.

In a new pot, in addition to drainage, a layer of earth at least 5 cm thick should be poured on top and moistened, and at the edges there should be a gap for adding soil at least 3 cm.The plant is placed in a new pot and the soil is poured to the previous level, periodically tapping the bottom on the table for compaction of the earth. Water it abundantly. In the future, the described rules for observing the temperature and humidity content are observed and, if necessary, Kalanchoe Pinnata is used for medicinal purposes.

Medicinal properties of Kalanchoe Pinnata

In its chemical composition, Kalanchoe Pinnata greens contain: polysaccharides, enzymes, micro- and macroelements (magnesium, manganese, aluminum, calcium, iron, copper, silicium), vitamin P, organic acids, tannins, flavonoids. Thanks to this life-giving set of active substances in a unique ratio, Kalanchoe Pinnata has a bactericidal, bacteriostatic and anti-inflammatory effect. Promotes rapid cleansing of wounds and ulcers from necrotic (decaying, decaying) tissues and rapid epithelialization (tightening, healing) of the wound and ulcerative surface. 

On the basis of Kalanchoe Pinnata at home, you can prepare three main drugs: juice, ointment and extract.


Kalanchoe Pinnata juice is effective for the treatment of trophic ulcers, non-healing wounds, bedsores, fistulas, burns, fresh surgical sutures, inflammation of the gums and oral mucosa, stomatitis, gingivitis, chronic tonsillitis, eye diseases, inflammation of the eyelids. For women in labor, it will help with tears after childbirth, perineal wounds, cervical erosion and nipple cracks. The juice is applied externally in the form of a gauze bandage or napkin in several layers, abundantly moistened with juice and internally, in the form of rinsing. 

In some cases, the juice can be used without bandages, applying 2-3 drops to a sore spot for several days until the desired effect is achieved. For the prevention of influenza, for colds and runny nose, the juice is instilled daily 2t times, 2 drops in each nostril. It is known that Kalanchoe Pinnata juice is used to treat tuberculosis by taking 1/2 teaspoon juice diluted in three times with water 2 times a day after meals. The juice is obtained from August to November, when the maximum amount of useful and biologically active substances accumulates in the leaves and stems. Just like aloe , Kalanchoe Pinnata juice must undergo a special treatment. Different sources give slightly different methods of juice production, the essence of which boils down to the following technology: The aerial part is cut off, washed, dried with a paper towel, wrapped in any natural fabric and placed in a refrigerator at a temperature of 5 ° C-7 ° C for a week (no more). It is believed that during this time an intensive synthesis of biostimulant substances takes place in the greenery and Kalanchoe Pinnata acquires the true medicinal properties inherent in it. Then the leaves and stems are cut as small as possible, kneaded to a mushy state and squeezed through cheesecloth. 

The resulting juice is defended for 3 days, placed again in the refrigerator, filtered through a fine sieve or the same gauze in several layers and sterilized for 20-30 minutes. Such juice can be used immediately for its intended purpose, but it is not stored for a long time, therefore, it is usually preserved by mixing it with medical alcohol until the strength of the solution is 20% (in the pharmacy version, the juice is preserved with chloroform). Canned juice is poured into small glass containers, tightly sealed and stored in the refrigerator (preferably at the top on the side wall). Shelf life is no more than a year. Before use, the juice is heated in hot water to the temperature of the human body. 

This recipe does not at all imply that it is impossible to use the Kalanchoe Pinnata "services" at other times. As far as possible! Just cut off a couple of large lower leaves, squeeze out the juice and use for your medical needs. In any case, this juice has a beneficial medicinal effect. With varicose veins, a slightly different recipe for making juice, or rather tinctures, is used. To do this, take crushed Kalanchoe Pinnata leaves and fill a container (bottle, jar) with them up to half, pour vodka to the top and insist in a dark place for 7 days, shaking daily. After the time has elapsed, the tincture is filtered and stored in the refrigerator. Used for rubbing the feet. Rub from feet to knees.


There are a couple of recipes for homemade Kalanchoe Pinnata ointment:

Ingredients: 30 g of Kalanchoe Pinnata juice (fresh or canned), 50 g of medical petroleum jelly, 50 g of anhydrous lanolin (lanolin is a fat-like substance based on wool wax, can be purchased at the pharmacy). First, mix the juice with lanolin and heat it up in an enamel container, not boiling. Then vaseline is introduced in portions into the heated mixture until it is completely dissolved. The finished ointment is poured hot into a glass container, disinfected with alcohol. Store in the refrigerator. For people prone to allergic reactions, it is better not to use this method of making an ointment, since lanolin increases the sensitivity of the skin and can cause allergies. 

Ingredients: Kalanchoe Pinnata juice and melted interior pork fat in a 1:1 ratio. The ingredients are mixed and heated in a water bath for 45 minutes, not allowing the mass to boil. Remove from heat and leave for a day in a warm place. The procedure is repeated three times, filtering the hot mass. It is also poured into a glass container and stored in the refrigerator. This ointment is not allergenic and can be used without restrictions.

The ointment is used to heal perineal wounds, with bedsores, ulcers and wounds, with mastopathy and cracked nipples.


Crushed leaves and stems of Kalanchoe Pinnata in a ratio of 1: 5 are poured with boiling water and placed in a water bath for 15-20 minutes. Strain and put on fire again, bring to a boil and evaporate to half the volume. Cooled, poured into a glass container. Store in the refrigerator. The extract is used as a biostimulant for the treatment of skin ulcers, non-healing wounds, fistulas. It is very useful to prevent gums with the extract and juice, rubbing them daily with your fingers. When done regularly, you will get healthy gums and strong teeth. 

It is interesting that some advanced Kalanchoe Pinnata lovers eat it fresh as ordinary vegetable greens. It is said that the daily intake of a small amount of fresh herbs of this plant has a general strengthening effect on the body, cleanses the blood, stimulates the immune system and prevents the aging of the body. Fresh, finely chopped leaves are added to salads, vinaigrette or consumed separately with the addition of vegetable oil and lemon juice. Despite the seeming abundance of information, it is obvious that the medicinal properties of Kalanchoe Pinnata have not yet been fully studied, and the recipes for its use are far from exhausted by this article.

5 Kalanchoe Pinnata leaves - an easy way to strengthen immunity

Kalanchoe Pinnata (Bryophyllum pinnatum) is an effective recipe for restoring human immunity. It can be used both before an impending epidemic of infectious diseases, and during their treatment. What is the difference between Kalanchoe Pinnata and Kalanchoe Pinnata Degremon. 

Folk recipes

  • For a runny nose: squeeze the juice out of the leaf and put it in the nose 1-2 drops once or twice a day. 
  • In case of inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys, drink 1 tsp. juice 3 times a day. 
  • For varicose veins: fill a half-liter bottle with chopped Kalanchoe Pinnata leaves and top up with vodka or 70% alcohol, put in a dark place and shake occasionally. After a week, the tincture is ready. Rub your feet with tincture, starting from the foot, moving to the knees and above. The leg pain will go away quickly, but to heal the vein mesh, the procedure must be carried out within 4 months. 
  • With erosion of the cervix (in the initial stage) 10-15 applications with juice, and the erosion is delayed. 
  • For warts: cover the wart with crushed leaves, tie and hold this compress for a while. 
  • For mental and physical fatigue, chew and swallow a fresh leaf. After 15-20 minutes, the body is restored, efficiency returns. 
  • In psoriasis, tie the crushed Kalanchoe Pinnata leaves to the affected areas. 
  • In case of middle ear inflammation, instill 1-2 drops of Kalanchoe Pinnata tincture at night. 
  • For purulent wounds, boils, skin abscesses, eczema, herpes, burns, drip 2-3 drops of juice on the affected parts of the body several times a day. The wound heals quickly and disappears. The course of treatment is 5-6 days. In case of burns, mix the juice with protein and smear the affected areas. 
  • With sinusitis, dilute the juice with boiled water in a 1: 2 ratio and suck it in through the nose. Everything goes away in a week. 
  • In case of vitamin deficiency and loss of strength, add one leaf to salads. 
  • In case of gum disease, rinse your mouth with an infusion of crushed Kalanchoe Pinnata leaves. 
  • In case of inflammation of the eyelids, 1-2 drops of juice are dripped onto the eyelids 3-4 times a day. 
  • In case of burns: apply the crushed leaves to the damaged skin for two hours.
  • Ointment. In a clean cup, mix 30 ml of juice and 50 g of pure lanolin. Add 50 g of petroleum jelly to the gruel and mix until smooth. Use for boils, trophic ulcers.


This amazing exquisite plant is known to almost everyone; many people grow it not only for the sake of beautiful flowers, but also for medicinal purposes. It is not for nothing that Kalanchoe Pinnata is called a "home doctor", absolutely all of its varieties are very healing. Yes, besides, it is not difficult to care for it, no supernatural conditions are required for growing - the plant is very unpretentious.


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